The browser is the stage, the design the dance floor, the music the rhythms between the codes, browsers, designs, bodies and movements. We are the performers. Constraints are in place, but each dance may be a bit different and each stage (browser) allows for certain possibilities (and errors). The issue is accessed through the temporality of performing (and improvising) it.
Care to dance?
1. Choose a stage of your choice (highly recommended: Chrome).
2. Click the title above and we can get to know each other before dancing.
3. Get your scroll fingers ready.
Do you scroll-right this way:
or this way:
4. Click on the video of your scroll direction.
5.Do your first move: Zoom in (cmd +, ctrl +, win +, etc.)
6. Follow the rest of the cues. To open the dance pieces click on the titles. Practice makes perfect. Merde!
Task 1: touch simultaneously.
the fourcorners of theframeTask 2: Trace the outline of the frame.
Task 3: Fit your whole body within the photographic frame.
scroll scroll scroll here here here down down down
"We encounter an interface, a stage for a series of choreographies to be performed. Are we the spectators or are we the performers? Nonetheless, the show must go on…"
"No history - no future, once again the post-political generation turned toward futurism, fully aware, that there is no way out of the ever tightening control machine, now propelled by digital technologies."
sounds can penetrate
in other species
their structure is different
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cmd- cmdr / win- winr / ctrl- ctrlr
cmd- cmdr / win- winr / ctrl- ctrlr