Cuer: Renee Carmichael

The browser is the stage, the design the dance floor, the music the rhythms between the codes, browsers, designs, bodies and movements. We are the performers. Constraints are in place, but each dance may be a bit different and each stage (browser) allows for certain possibilities (and errors). The issue is accessed through the temporality of performing (and improvising) it.

Care to dance?

1. Choose a stage of your choice (highly recommended: Chrome).
2. Click the title above and we can get to know each other before dancing.
3. Get your scroll fingers ready.
Do you scroll-right this way:

or this way:

4. Click on the video of your scroll direction.
5.Do your first move: Zoom in (cmd +, ctrl +, win +, etc.)
6. Follow the rest of the cues. To open the dance pieces click on the titles. Practice makes perfect. Merde!

  • scroll scroll scroll here here here down down down

    $("#dance-floor").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height()-$(window).height() });
    Say Scroll Right +
    $("#dance-floor").animate({scrollRight: 500});
    #dance-floor {
    overflow-x: scroll;
    #dance-floor {
    overflow-y: scroll;

    function diagonal() {
    $("#dance-floor").animate({right: '+=500', top: '+=200'});

    function diagonal() {
    $("#dance-floor").animate({left: '+=500', top: '+=300'});

    Scroll up to take your bow

    cmd- cmdr / win- winr / ctrl- ctrlr

    cmd- cmdr / win- winr / ctrl- ctrlr

    Nicholas Lawrence - John Cage - 2 Pages, 122 Words on Music and Dance (4e6963686f6c6173204c617772656e6365 Remix)
    Freya Field-Donovan - Two Dances, New York City: 1935, 2015
    Samantha Harvey - iSurrender
    Matt Lewis - Can You Feel It? Dancing through Scores, Maps & Raves
    Susannah E. Haslam - Towards an ethics of intimacy.
    Matthew de Kersaint Giraudeau - LOOPS
    Angelina Voskopoulus - Exogenesis
    Eri Kassnel - Patterns
    Joana Chicau - Curtain Down
    Oona Doyle - Feeling Cold
    Benoît Maubrey - Audio Ballerinas
    Eleni Papazoglou - Hello Frame
    Emilie Giles - Under and Over
    Maru Mushtrieva - An Invitation
    Holger Heissmeyer - Say Instructions
    Cliff Hammett - Spallanzani Watches the Walker
    Liat Berdugo & Phoebe Osborne - Unpatentable Multi­-touch Aerobics
    Verena Hermann - Pogo As Warefare
    Stephan Groß - Euro Beats
    Lai Yi Ohlsen - 100 Scores
    Hamish MacPherson - A Movement Ontology Game
    Lisa Erb - The Container
    Renee Carmichael - Care to dance? The cues commence here.
    "When I create a video work, for the most part, I am creating videodance, (also known as screendance) - I am not documenting. I am making a dance for the camera. I choreograph a piece knowing that I will re-organize and ‘manipulate’ the material during the editing process, combining Elements such as time, space, speed and spatial composition. I incorporate the movement of the camera, as well as the composition of the frames. Even though the body in movement is the ‘seed’ and inspiration of screendance, the movement phrases also get ‘thrown’ around, the end becomes the beginning, the body gets fragmented and layers of dancers end up superimposed into different backgrounds, creating a new work, which in some cases is far from the movement material that it was based on. My decisions are based on the rhythm and composition of the the new piece, as well as on the design, contrast and the proximity to the camera. I am trying to create a visual metaphor. Using a combination of both, narrative and location. The concept of a video choreography, in my films, is based on my own lyrics texts and ideas."