Goodbye world!

Welcome to the bloggiest of blogs. Or ironically not. This is not your linear blog. Drag the posts around, arrange the order you want. Make Connections. Annotate. Hi-light. Connect in-between. It’s a process and we are processing just as you. Join us!


I don’t know about you, but I sometimes come up with a crazy idea and just run with it. I do as I think, and think as I do. It’s a process. And I’m not even sure what unfolding I am in. Just floating in a world of blurry shapes, and lot’s and lot’s of weird connections. I couldn’t actually explain my idea to you. I’m writing in my brain as I move, but it’s inaccessible, far away, vague — even I can’t get there. Eventually I can tell you, eventually I will write to you. Eventually I say hello not goodbye. And the conversation takes a different turn.

But for now let’s start with goodbye. Why? I’m not actually sure yet. I started designing this blog and suddenly goodbye came from the hello world! of Mr. wordpress (and so did Ms. WordPress…hello! sigh.). WordPress. It makes up 26% of all websites in the searchable internet (or something like that). And here we are .00001%, or whatever you process it out to be. But I hope it won’t be so bloggy (yes, cringe, yet somehow I use it as a name…cue new process here). And I hope we can add some critical questions, confusions and thoughts to this 26% world.

For now, why does a blog have to be linear? My process is not. I’ve kept one thing in place. Categories. I’ll arrange things by categories–they are the glue that holds the vagueness together in my process anyway. But you can drag things around and make your new order and your own process. I will probably change things as my process changes too. But you can destroy it–goodbye. New processes begin in goodbye?

And I dissected the 2016 default wordpress theme. I’ll probably do it for 2017. Why? Because it’s fun. And it starts a process for me while being a part of the larger process of exploring and questioning design standards.

Bloggy or not, here we come. In-between the issues of Flee Immediately! we go. And it is this in-between that I am forever trying to reach. Only to grasp it for a moment to say goodbye to process.

So goodbye for now. More dancing (literally) coming soon.

Author: Renee Carmichael

I'm an artist, coder, designer, curator and writer...[insert other keywords here]. I started Flee Immediately! in 2010. My other work has been on themes such as The Dance Epidemic of 1518, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, code poetry and singing IBM anthems and code. I graduated from Goldsmiths College in London with a Masters in Interactive Media: Critical Theory and Practice (Now Digital Cultures). I'm currently working on Fleeing and freelance with design, name it. Contact me about anything.

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